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The Vordalyn 2 Page 6
The Vordalyn 2 Read online
Page 6
“Stand down,” Dangelo ordered the company of men.
“Dangelo, well met.” Satana greeted him with a smile.
“It’s Captain Dangelo, now.” He said proudly, as he stood tall before the company of men that blocked the gateway into Qinkas, “Make way.” He said to the men behind him, “Lord Dracon’s emissaries are here, show your respect and welcome them!” He commanded then nodded to Satana and her squad. He walked to the side of the road, “Will King Dracon be joining you?” He asked as he and his men cleared the way.
“Not this time, I’m afraid.” Satana answered as she passed Dangelo, followed by her men. The soldiers of Qinkas accompanied them as an escort through the city and to the palace. Once there, Satana recognized a friend, Thikuf Muluuk, the queens general. He waited with a small number of men, all of whom were from the Priests of O’on, now Venalina’s servants. Dracon had left the men in Qinkas to serve Queen Jenzenya as her personal guard, replacing the men that served the nobles. Queen Jenzenya was under pressure from the nobles to wed and give them a king, when she refused, they threatened her crown. Dracon intervened after becoming close friends with the queen when he was trapped in Sumia.
“I see you have returned, is it because I have finally managed to endear myself to you?” Thikuf asked as Satana dismounted her horse and approached him. She offered her hand to him and he shook it firmly.
“Not yet, but you’re getting there.” She said with a smile.
“Fowlin.” Thikuf said with a nod.
“Good to see you again, Thikuf.” Fowlin shook Thikuf’s hand as well, “How is Simon? Where is Simon?”
“I imagine he is at the queen’s side, right now.” Thikuf said looking over his shoulder to the palace behind him.
“Is she busy?” Satana asked.
“I think whatever she is doing will wait. She’ll be overjoyed to see you, I’m sure.” Thikuf said, “I’ll take you to her directly.” Thikuf turned and walked toward the palace entrance followed by Satana, Fowlin, Aias and Elmon.
“I see trade is flowing freely.” Satana remarked as she followed Thikuf.
“Yes,” He said as she came shoulder to shoulder with him, “Cold Lake has many villages surrounding it, each with a desire to trade with Qinkas and once again fall under her protection as part of her kingdom. Thanks to you and King Dracon.”
“You mean Venalina and Dracon? King Dracon,” Satana corrected, “She’s the one who wanted to go there, the rest of us would have been happy enough to go home, you know?”
“Indeed,” He chuckled, “Factor Wynkian has been stationed on the shores of Cold Lake as part of our agreement to protect the citizens around the lake.”
“Really?” Satana was surprised to hear that, “A factor? Did he ask for that?”
“I don’t know the details, but he is no longer the Factor of the southern quarter.” Thikuf said, it made Satana smile, “The majority of his forces have gone with him.”
“Was it his choice?” She asked.
“Like I said, I don’t know the details, but Lord Elyon Virfiel has been named interim Factor of the entire city.” Thikuf said, “He has been a very vocal supporter of Queen Jenzenya since your departure, even changing the minds of some of the nobles about her marital status and her ability to rule alone.”
“That’s encouraging,” Satana said, she was happy to hear the nobles were backing off trying to force her to marry, “She deserves a chance, it is her birthright to be queen.”
“I agree, I’ve always thought her highness was well suited to rule Qinkas. Now, with trade flourishing like never before, the nobles see their pockets filling based on the decisions and actions of the queen.” Thikuf explained.
“Coin trumps gender in Qinkas at last.” Satana chuckled. Thikuf led them down a long hallway that was full of people, nobles and servants alike, milling about, either waiting for an audience with the queen or meeting with other nobles to discuss business of one sort or another. When they reached the throne room, Satana was surprised at the number of people attending court, “What’s going on Thikuf?” She asked.
“Business as usual, lately.” Thikuf said, “The flow of goods into Qinkas has merchants wanting permits to take part in trade. Many did not believe it was possible and waited too long. Now they’re scrambling to take part before trade begins with your lands.” The crowd in the throne room was loud. Satana heard a man’s voice addressing the room, it sounded like Castien Preswynn.
“Her highness is not addressing any issues of trade today,” Castien announced, some voiced their disappointment, “If you are here for talk of trade you will have to wait until later in the week. See my man Farin before you leave and make an appointment with him. Today’s topics are related to the rewriting of the tax laws as it pertains to existing commerce within the city.” Thikuf led Satana’s group through the crowd, having to shove through a dense group at the edges of the court. The Queen sat on her throne with advisors behind her whispering amongst themselves and pointing around the room getting the queens attention to one group or another. Lord Castien Preswynn was at the bottom of the steps leading up to the throne as he addressed the nobles and merchants. Queen Jenzenya spotted Thikuf then Satana, her face lit up and she stood from her throne immediately. Her advisors behind her stopped her from walking down from the throne.
“Silence!” An elderly advisor ordered everyone in the court. Thikuf walked out into the open area before the thrones followed by Satana, Fowlin, Elmon, and Aias.
“My Queen,” Thikuf took a knee Satana and her men knelt just behind him, “May I present-”
“Welcome! My friends!” Queen Jenzenya yelled with excitement at the sight of Satana. An advisor whispered to her again and she rolled her eyes and shook her head.
“Continue, General Thikuf.” The advisor said, adamantly opposed to any disruption in royal protocol.
“Commander Satana of Ganlin.” Thikuf announced.
“Rise, General Thikuf.” Queen Jenzenya smiled anxiously, “Come forward Commander Satana.” She bid them all to come before the court. “Castien, you know the details of the taxes, finish this for me.” She said to Castien lower, then announced, “Come Satana, let us retire to a more private setting.” Guards made their way to the base of the throne before Queen Jenzenya reached the bottom of the steps then followed her as she turned to lead Thikuf, Satana and her group out from the throne room and court. Everyone knelt and remained kneeling until Queen Jenzenya had completely left the throne room. Then almost immediately erupted in conversation, most of it aimed at Castien Preswynn.
“I am heartened to see you return. It relieves some anxiety on my part I must admit.” Queen Jenzenya said as they entered a room behind the throne room, “Your homecoming was good I hope.”
“It was your highness.” Satana said. Queen Jenzenya walked to the head of a long table and sat, then motioned for Satana and her men to sit as well.
“And King Dracon?” Queen Jenzenya asked.
“He is well. Busy, but well.” Satana said.
“I am surprised that he sent you back, I thought it would be Venalina, who would be popping in to check on her priests that guard my palace?” Queen Jenzenya asked.
“I am here to invite you to the wedding of King Dracon and Venalina, not to check on the priests.” Satana said, “King Dracon is eager to see you again and talk about… many things.”
“I am happy to attend, however, how is it possible to travel to Ganlin? Have you found a safe way across the expanse?” Queen Jenzenya asked.
“Not yet, your highness, but we have an active portal, like the one we used to return home.” Satana explained, “I have come with a company of men in case you needed a show of support from King Dracon. For the nobles.”
“How many men?” Queen Jenzenya asked.
“Fifty.” Satana answered, “I left them outside the city until we announced ourselves and to see where you would like us.”
“Bring them to the palace grounds, of course. Thik
uf, make room for them in the barracks.” Queen Jenzenya ordered, “How long will you be with us?”
“I am to accompany you to Ganlin should you decide to attend.” Satana said, Queen Jenzenya lit up with a smile.
“My personal guard again?” She asked delighted, “I look forward to spending time with you Satana.” Satana smiled back at Queen Jenzenya.
“I must confess, your highness, I am happy to be back. Politics at home do not interest me. Adventure in your uncharted lands, however, excites me. It is my hope that I might accompany Thikuf on any patrols he might have while I’m in Qinkas?” Satana asked with a wry smile at Thikuf. Queen Jenzenya, still smiling, glanced at Thikuf then back to Satana and nodded her assent.
“Of course.” She said, “It will give me time to prepare for the trip to your home and find a suitable gift for his highness, King Dracon.” Queen Jenzenya stood from her seat and everyone immediately stood and bowed as she rose, sending a sound of chair legs scraping across the floor in one loud screech. Queen Jenzenya walked over to Satana and grabbed her forearm, “It is so, very good to see you.” She said low, then turned her head to Thikuf, “See she has King Dracon’s room while she is here.” She looked back at Satana, “I insist.” Satana smirked.
“Your highness,” She said, “I mean no disrespect, and I appreciate the gesture. But I am a simple warrior with simple needs. I am used to life on the road, sleeping next to my horse. The room my lord was in when we were here last, is far too excessive for me. He shared that room with Lady Venalina, I am alone. I would be much happier in the room you gave me last time, if it is available?” Queen Jenzenya understood her reasoning at once and smiled knowingly. Satana hardly wanted to sleep in the same bed that Venalina and Dracon shared. Queen Jenzenya couldn’t really blame her.
“Of course, so long as you stay in the palace, close to me, I don’t care where you wish to lay your head.” She looked again at Thikuf, “See to it.” She said then let go of Satana, “Now if you’ll excuse me, the nobles await. I wish I could drag you around with me all day, Satana, but I fear my advisors would have a fit.” Everyone bowed and remained bent over until Queen Jenzenya left the room.
“Bring the men to the barracks,” Satana ordered Fowlin, “Be polite and remember you represent the King of Ganlin, act accordingly.” Fowlin nodded then left with Elmon and Aias.
“So, it’s adventure you seek?” Thikuf asked once he and Satana were alone. She smiled at him, walking casually around the table to where he stood.
“It is,” she said biting her lower lip with a coy smile, “You have something in mind?”
“I do indeed, commander.” Thikuf chuckled.
“You know Thikuf, you can call me Satana.” She said when she reached him. She pulled a chair from the table out, spinning it and around to sit in, facing him backwards in the chair with her arms on the backrest. Thikuf moved a seat from the table with his foot then sat in it properly.
“I think I have something very intriguing for you, so much so, your lord may wish you to turn right around and join me on what I propose to do?” Thikuf declared and crossed his arms.
“And what exactly do you propose to do Thikuf?” Satana asked very intrigued. He paused a moment then spoke.
“The Expanse of Death.” He said. Satana’s brow furrowed concerned and curious, “I plan on crossing it.” Satana laughed outright at him believing he was making a joke. “I am serious.”
“Then you are going to kill men for nothing. I’ve been there, Thikuf, only death awaits you. We barely made it alive with our most battle-hardened men, you and yours have no…” She stopped not wanting to insult him. He smiled at her with a knowing smile, “What Thikuf? Spit it out. I can see it in your face.” Satana said then stood and spun the chair back in its place, slid neatly under the table. Thikuf stood slowly, still smiling.
“Do you have the courage to follow me to the edge of the expanse? To where our paths first crossed?” He asked.
“I have the courage, but when I left here last, very few of your people did. What makes you so bold now? To tread where only I and King Dracon dared? Other than we killed your demons for you.” She said with a bit of snark.
Thikuf nodded as she spoke, “You did. But I wish to show you something. Take a ride with me then?” He asked hopeful.
“See if you can keep up!” Satana said putting her hands on her hips then stuck out her chest and chin alike. She was more than ready to get anywhere outside of a city. Once Satana had tasted adventure after a life of war, the life of peace and prosperity she had returned to was dull. Politics, boring. Advising her friend and king, as he returned to rule Ganlin, was unbearable for her. What Thikuf proposed, regardless of how treacherous, Satana knew she would take part in, if only to quell her desire for something peace could not give her. Thikuf was enchanted by Satana’s fire from within that drove her beyond what others could do. He respected her strength. It was not often one met a woman like her. She was a commander of a legion. The most feared and respected soldier of all King Dracon’s troops. She feared nothing and had the skill to back up her bravado, finding no equal in battle save for her king. Thikuf wanted to pick her brain and learn from her, not only the skill she displayed in battle but how she trained and led her men. He imagined any force she led was a fierce one. After all, her forces did rid Qinkas and all Sumia of the reign of the demon lord Terrax, who terrorized both their lands for a generation.
They left the city on horseback, the two of them alone. Satana followed Thikuf anxiously, more circled him as he led the way, than followed him. She wanted to break her horse into a run but didn’t know where they were going. She knew the wilds of Sumia had traps left over from the Vordalyn wars that made Sumia unwise to rush into carelessly. “You remember where you found us, Thikuf? It seems such a long time ago?” She asked.
“I will never forget.” He answered, his horse trotted at a slow steady pace as if he were out for a casual ride enjoying the countryside. “My Queen sent us out further than usual, scouting for a new source of meat. The game near Qinkas was migrating west, toward the expanse. We needed to see how close they were migrating and if something else could be found.”
“Then you happened upon us, and attacked us instantly?” Satana asked, “Were you that hungry? Almost to the point of corpse eaters?”
“Your memory is not as sharp as your tongue, Satana,” Thikuf chuckled, “I recall a brief conversation before any such attack. I also recall your voice announcing, King Dracon!” Satana laughed then began to trot alongside Thikuf at his slower pace.
“I, remember Dracon taking you and all your men on, singlehandedly.” She said in a chuckle. Thikuf nodded with a smirk.
“I believe, that even if the Kina had not helped him, he might have still beaten us.” He ruminated. Satana’s smile slowly left and they were quiet for a moment.
“She’s Venalina, Thikuf. Not a kina or whatever else you want to call her. She isn’t some monster. She’s Venalina, and she’s my friend!” Satana was angry at him for talking about her like a thing, “How quickly you forget your friends, it’s a wonder you remembered me when I rode up to the palace?”
“I apologize, Satana.” Thikuf said. They were quiet again, for a mile or so, through the forest, “I remembered the day, what she was to us back then, a kina.” He said breaking the silence, “But since then, she has become much more. A savior, a queen. She corrected the curse her people had caused on our lands, freezing the sun in the sky. You are right to be angry, I misspoke. She is a friend, even to my queen, she has become revered. Queen Jenzenya speaks of her often, and fondly. I know I still have my prejudice. I can’t forget that morning when we came upon the two of them, I guess it still haunts me. Those eyes, that growl.” He watched Satana to see if she was even listening to him. Her face was still in a scowl, “How are they?” He asked. Satana glared at him then softened, their horses seemed to know where they were going, trotting along with very little guidance.
“Well, I sup
pose.” Satana said then grabbed a flask that hung from the horn of her saddle. She took a drink then offered it to Thikuf, “Water. All the way from across the Expanse of Death.” Thikuf smiled and accepted the flask, taking a long drink, “I haven’t seen much of them since we’ve been back. Taking stock of the kingdom and meetings with delegates, the prince’s, I’m sure, right now, he and his brothers are drinking to excess, reveling the victory over Terrax and our overdue return.” Satana watched Thikuf drink as she spoke, “It’s water, Thikuf, not wine.” Thikuf finished his drink then tossed the near empty flask back to Satana.
“The water of Ganlin is sweet.” He said smiling, “I’d like to finish it, if I thought I could escape your wrath.” Satana laughed.
“Venalina has been spending a lot of time with those little lackies of hers. I must confess, I don’t get it.” Satana pondered aloud, “I mean, I get saving them from a life of servitude, but the way they act together… I can’t put my finger on it, Thikuf, but… something isn’t right there, you know?”
“I don’t. I’m sorry. I’ve never met the daughters of Castien, personally, I’ve seen them in passing, but never have I had a conversation with them.” He said.
“You aren’t missing anything. The Daughters of Castien, such a pompous sounding title. Just the thought of them irritates me. Always skulking behind Venalina and Dracon, like children behind a mother’s skirt. Such fearful little girls. Except for that Talila. She acts as though she is the queen herself, the way she walks around, too stupid to know any better.” There was venom on her lips as she spoke of the girls. It made Thikuf smile in surprise.